Howlween for Fido! The costumes and the obscene money spent

It’s that time of year! Halloween. Or how we say it in the pet community “Howl-Ween”. The pet costumes are officially overflowing the shelves and it appears costume designers in the pet industry have outdone themselves once again. I think I’ve seen every pet costume under the moon imaginable – from Micheal Jackson, to the Pope, and even a Headless Horseman costume for Fido. jacklion

Yes, its very obvious, everybody does loves dressed up pets, or so it seems. I think smaller dogs are more fitting for the looks, but I’ve seen some large dogs rock some pretty cool costumes too. The Lions mane for large dogs is always a hit! BTW if you want to economize your pocket book this year on a pet costume, Walgreens has some really cool costumes for Fido. Versus going to your local Petco or Petsmart – kind pricey. According to USA Today, spending on dog costumes is expected to jump about 20% from last year, and is expected to hit a record $370 million by the time the spooky season comes to a close. PAWE-some right? These numbers are astronomical. Is there really that much money in the business of dressing up dogs?

Yeserie! Even during an economic recession and a time when people are forced to make certain sacrifices, people are still willing to splurge on their furry friends and spoil them. The fairly steep increase in Halloween spending for our animals beckons the question: why is spending on these outfits so high, and are we spending too much? Britney Spears recently spent five figures on her bitches... but that’s neither here nor there. She’s the Princess of Pop. Personally if I were to tally up what I spend annually on my dog between food, vet, flee, vanity, and daycare I’m going to shoot at roughly $7,000 a year. Hey I ain’t proud, just honest.

Critics will surely say that its ludicrous that millions of dollars are being spent on Halloween garb each year. After all, what practical use does a dog costume have outside of looking cute right on time for Halloween? They will say none, which is not really arguable. But in response to those critics quick to lampoon pet lovers as “nutty”, one should ask: Who really cares? If a person wants to spend their money to spoil their dog with a costume, whose business is it to really criticize? Trainers could also argue that the dog gets social stimulation from the social interactions that come from the costume festivities.

On the home page of this blog in my welcome caption on the upper right, I mentioned my enthusiasm for this “booming dog lifestyle industry” and if you want a number to back up my excitement – it has been recorded the pet business in United States alone makes up for a 60 billion dollar industry. Put that in your holiday pipe and smoke it.

Some may laugh at the significant amount of spending on dog costumes in general, and the thought of dressing up a pet. But why? It’s the inspiration for the most exciting pet friendly social events, plus it’s boosting the economy! What is the harm as long as people keep safety and the comfort of the pet in mind. As long as a costume is not forced on an animal to the point of discomfort or excruciating stress, and in turn is not harming the animal physically or mentally in any way, I see nothing wrong with it.

What are your thoughts on the rising spending on Halloween pet costumes? Are you for or against dogs dressing up?

Here are some Halloween pet friendly events going on in San Diego to show off Fido’s costume: The Hallo-Wiener Picnic, Bark-Tober-Fest with Rancho Coastal Humane Society and Kamp Kanine , Howlween with Dirty DogsBest Halloween Pet Friendly Events in San Diego brought to your by Axis

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